Fees & Taxes
Please click on the question to see an answer.
What are the Common Element Fees at Crocus Gardens and what is included in the common element charge?
The comment element \condo fee"will be based on your pro-rated share of the common element expenses of the building. The estimated condo fees are available upon request and may vary between suites. Each suite is individually metered for electricity which will enable condominium owners to control and monitor consumption. Please speak with one of our Sales Representatives for further information."""
What do Common Element Fees Pay For?
Common element costs include all \common elements"or shared costs including (but not limited to) common area heating and cooling (including parkade) maintenance"
What are my real estate taxes likely to cost at Crocus Gardens?
Property taxes are to be set by the City of Winnipeg who does not confirm amounts until a later time. These taxes will be assessed and dependent on the size and purchase price of the unit. In 2015 home owners who declared their condo as their principal residence received a Manitoba Education Property Tax Credit of $700.00.
Is the GST included in the purchase price?
The purchase price has been presented with net GST included (3.2% of the purchase price) and if you are declaring this suite as your primary residence, then the Offer will be written accordingly. The GST rebate is initially paid out by the builder and subsequently credited back to them. If you are purchasing this unit for investment purposes, an additional 1.8% GST will be added to your purchase price.